Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week 10 - Weather Bureau Hacked

Australia's Bureau of Meteorology was recently hacked.  While that may seem innocuous to some, it can present big-time problems for others.  Many people and entities rely on accurate weather to safely do their jobs, to include my chosen field--aviation.  How dangerous would it be for an airliner to assume the forecast provided permitted a safe flight to their destination?  How exactly it was hacked hasn't been ascertained, but it has been revealed it will take upwards of a year and hundreds of millions of dollars to fix.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 9 - Amazon drone released soon

Nearly two years after Amazon first introduced the notion of a drone service to deliver small packages, they've given the world a sneak-peak of their latest iteration--their previous iteration carried packages below the fuselage; this one carries them within.
The holdup is on the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), past due on policy regulating how unmanned aerial systems can take to the skies.  Drones present a moderate danger to aircraft and will require their own set of rules.  It is estimated that within the first three years of commercial use, drones will produce 70k jobs, with a $13.6B economic impact.  With such a huge effect, it only makes sense the FAA gets it right the first time around.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Week 8 - Limiting drone airspace

As a pilot-in-training, I oftentimes ponder the dangers I'll face when taking to the skies.  Of the many traditional considerations pilots deal with, the latest is the proliferation of remotely controlled drones.  They have the ability to fly beyond visual range, which can pose serious safety concerns for air traffic.  A Chinese company, DJI, is integrating geofencing into their latest creations, thus limiting where their machines can go.  There simply is no place for drones in controlled airspace, with vulnerable aircraft plying the skies, sometimes loaded with hundreds of passengers.  I imagine the software can be defeated, and hopefully that has been considered and actions taken to mitigate this.  This is a topic I will stay updated on!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Week 7 - Alarm clock for the fearless

In man's quest to "build a better mousetrap", an inventor has come up with an alarm clock guaranteed to provide a very rude awakening.  As if shrill alarm sounds weren't bad enough, this clock is designed to actually slap the sleeper's face by way of a robotic arm.  One can't help but wonder how restful, or fitful for that matter, the quality of sleep you'd get knowing full well you'll be physically assaulted come wake up time.  Suffice it to say, I believe it would make it one, maybe two mornings with me; therefore, I give this device one big thumb down.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Week 6 - Autonomous cars are at it again

Driverless cars are once again in the news.  Japan, in an effort to reinforce their position as a tech leader, is looking to introduce driverless taxis in time for the 2020 Olympics.  One of the goals behind this initiative is to reduce the cost of current-day taxi services.  As it stands, 70% of the cost of taxis comes down to labor.  One minor issue that will need to be resolved comes out of the 1949 Geneva Convention, which states “Every vehicle or combination of vehicles proceeding as a unit shall have a driver.”  But consider this:  Tokyo reportedly has 50k taxis on the road today.  With driverless taxis on the forefront, plus who knows what else, this technology stands to take millions of people out of the workforce in the foreseeable future.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Week 5 - Smart phone technology proliferation

The spread of affordable smart phone technology is headed to India.  A collaboration between an Indian and Canadian company will see an end-of-year introduction of a relatively low-tech smart phone, retailing for the equivalent of US $15 dollars.  While it won't set any records for data (it's 2G after all), the Linux-based system will surely fuel a proliferation of further tech leaps in the future.  It makes a lot of sense, especially when considering "just" 65% of those upgrading their handsets were to smart phone platforms.  Increasing that number will surely be massively profitable.  As the article summarizes, the real moneymaker is in the apps, content, and network services, all of which are accessed through smart phone technology.  One only needs to look at 1st world countries to see how successful that can be.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Week 4 - Issues with Tesla autonomous cars

Not so fast, Tesla!  It appears Tesla is having some "slight" technical issues with their latest autonomous drive technology, to which I originally discussed in my previous (Week 3) blog.  Less than a week after their autopilot software download was released, several owners have reported their cars have not performed as advertised.  The biggest issue to date is cars veering out of their lane, sometimes into oncoming traffic.  To Tesla's defense, the software update was in Beta mode, and owners were cautioned to keep their hands on the wheel at all times.  More to follow, I'm sure...

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 3 - Tesla autonomous cars

And just like that, Tesla has created a software upgrade to their popular Model S, thereby allowing users to download an update for autonomous driving.  It's not a free upgrade, but the $2,500 cost seems relatively reasonable when compared to the $75k asking price of the car itself. 
Apparently, it's not a perfect system.  It requires the lanes to be clearly marked, plus can be confused by bad weather.  However, being the first iteration, it will only be a matter of time before the next version is exponentially better than the first.
The next time you see a Tesla Model S on the highway, it could quite possibly be driving itself!

Second Life

Second life appears to have a number of useful applications, not which of the least are virtual work solutions.  In today's global economy, with many companies having ties around the world, having a method (virtual workspace) to interact, likely lends to a more productive workforce. 
One potential downside to virtual interaction is failing to separate the virtual world from the real.  It seems there are many instances where people might act irrationally or improperly due to being "safe" in a virtual world.  A productive tool, for sure.  But one that is best used in a balanced way.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Week 2 - Automating farming

A Japanese company, called Spread, is looking to fully automate, by way of robots and other computer technology, farming methods for lettuce.  They currently produce 7.7 million heads a year, but are looking to expand capabilities by 2017 by way of a new facility.  There are many positives to this endeavor, to include cheaper production and being more environmentally friendly (less water, space requirements, and artificial lighting through renewable sources).  The biggest benefit, in my opinion, is there would be no need to spray pesticides, as farming is all indoors.  It seems all good and well, but the article also mentions this method will cut employment costs by 50%, which surely translates into people out of work.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week 1 - Virtual assistant from Amazon

This is about a "new" product I've just recently seen called the Amazon Echo.  It's been out for almost a year now, but has undergone improvements to its capabilities during that timeframe.  It's basically a wireless music speaker and a virtual assistant.  The amazing part, to me at least, is the fact it takes all commands via voice -- think Siri, etc.  At introduction, "Alexa" ("her" name, and how she is awoken), had somewhat limited ability.  As with many products of this nature, it continues to improve and evolve with more useful features.  I've heard "her" speak on television, and I can only imagine what features the next gen product will have.  Just listening to her has me convinced we'll all have a virtual assistant, of some capacity, in the very near future. 

Sunday, October 4, 2015


I joined CIS 120 to not only fulfill a degree requirement, but to stay up-to-date on computer technology that is quickly outpacing my current knowledge.  I am not a techy, but I also realize how vital computers are to our everyday life; therefore, it would be foolish to put my head in the sand and hope it all just goes away. 
During this term, I'm hoping to get myself back up to speed on the latest computer technology on the market.  I also hope to brush up on skills I already have an understanding of, yet not to the fullest extent possible or even necessary.  I don't feel as if there's ever too much I can know about computers.