Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week 1 - Virtual assistant from Amazon

This is about a "new" product I've just recently seen called the Amazon Echo.  It's been out for almost a year now, but has undergone improvements to its capabilities during that timeframe.  It's basically a wireless music speaker and a virtual assistant.  The amazing part, to me at least, is the fact it takes all commands via voice -- think Siri, etc.  At introduction, "Alexa" ("her" name, and how she is awoken), had somewhat limited ability.  As with many products of this nature, it continues to improve and evolve with more useful features.  I've heard "her" speak on television, and I can only imagine what features the next gen product will have.  Just listening to her has me convinced we'll all have a virtual assistant, of some capacity, in the very near future. 

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